Tuesday 3 July 2012

Record Revamp

I have undertaken the task of trying to up-cycle some old records from the attic into other items such as bowls and such. I know some people think defacing records by melting them down is an act of great inhumanity against music. I myself own a record player and enjoy the delights of some great un-synthetic/little adulterated tunes. But some of the crap records in our attic.. well suffice to say i feel no shame in remodelling them into items other than those they were originally designed for.

Hence this week i attempted to make a bowl from a record. numerous youtube videos show you how, I combined the instructions from a few and used mostly common sense. The result was a method mainly consisting of, step 1. put it in the oven. step 2. take it out of the oven. step 3. enjoy your revamped record.

If you want to try this i suggest watching a few of the vids on youtube so you really can't mess up. I did take some photos along the way though so here they are.

 First find some terrible music

 Then put in the oven over a bowl with a weight over the centre

 and voila, a rather crinkled record bowl

Here i added a paper slip of my own illustrations although i have not decided if i like this effect or not

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